Statement of Goals and Objectives on the Graduate Programs application)

In order that we may better understand your interest in our program, please prepare a 2-3-page essay (typed and double-spaced; include your name and date on each page of your essay). Please respond to the following questions based on the specific program you are applying to (Clinical Mental Health, Couple and Family, Rehabilitation, or School Counseling):
1. What has inspired and/or maintained your interest in counseling?

2. What interests you in the specific counseling program for which you are applying?

3. Describe personal qualities and experiences you have had which you believe contribute to your ability to work with diverse populations.

4. What are your hopes about yourself as a graduate student and as a future counselor?

5. What are some possible barriers that may prevent you from successfully completing your graduate studies?What are your plans for working through these barriers?

6. What are your career goals in the counseling field and how will your graduate education in counseling assist you in achieving these goals?