Independent Study 3 Assessment

The 3,500 essay is in two main parts:

1 Essay : Describe and discuss (1,250 words X 2 = 2,500 words)
2 Essay : Reflect on two TED talks (500 words X 2 = 1000 words)

1 Essay : Describe and discuss (1,250 words X 2 = 2,500 words)

Select two of the three articles listed below. Write two separate pieces, so 1,250 words about each chosen article, to describe and discuss the main points.

Bradley, L. and Butler, C. W. (2017) An interactional analysis of one-to-one pastoral care delivery within a primary school, Pastoral Care in Education, Vol. 35, no. 1, 39–51

Gooseman, A., Defeyter, M.A. and Graham, P. M. (2020) Hunger in the primary school setting: evidence, impacts and solutions according
to school staff in the North East of England, UK, Education 3-13, 48:2, 191-203, DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2019.1602155

Lee, C. and Lucy Wenham, L. (2021): ‘We just have to sail this sea all together until we find a shore’: parents’ accounts of home-educating primary-school children in England during COVID-19, Education 3-13, DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1963803

❋ Use these questions to help you. Do not include the actual questions in your written piece.

What is the general topic and the specific focus?
How was the research carried out?
What were the main conclusions?
What did you learn?
What connections can you make with other academic sources, contemporary issues or topical debates?
What was most interesting and/or surprising?
What are the implications?
How does the content link with your own ideas?

3 Essay : Reflect on two TED talks (500 words X 2 = 1000 words)

1) What kids wish their teachers knew, Kyle Schwartz | TEDxKyoto (about 12 minutes)
A simple one-sentence writing assignment set by third grade teacher Kyle Schwartz revealed the heartbreaking realities faced by her young students. Kyle, a Denver, Colorado Public Schools “Distinguished Teacher”, shares what she has learned from her students and offers educators ideas and strategies towards supporting their students academically and emotionally.

Here is the link –

2) Every kid needs a champion, Rita Pierson (about 7 minutes)
Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, “They don’t pay me to like the kids.” Her response: “Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.'” A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level.

Here is the link –

❋ These questions are to help you to write the 500 words. Do not include the questions in your essay.

Note: In your essay write ‘children’ or ‘pupils’, not ‘kids’

What did you learn?
What was most interesting and/or surprising?
Does this TED talk raise other issues for you?
What connection can you make with reading from an academic source?
How does the content of this talk link with your own ideas?