Graduate Econometrics

Replication Project: Part 1
The following paper is posted to Canvas, along with the dataset:
“Using Geographic Variation in College Proximity to Estimate the Return to Schooling”. In L.N.
Christofides, E.K. Grant, and R. Swidinsky, editors, Aspects of Labor Market Behaviour: Essays in Honour of John Vanderkamp. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995.

Checklist for your final writeup for Part 1:
Briefly summarize the paper’s main question and data, being sure to address:

  • What is the main question that the author is trying to answer?
  • Where do the data come from? (Who is included in the sample, etc.?)

Replicate the results in Table 1, columns (2) and (3).

Note: There may be a few small discrepancies between what you estimate with the data and what is presented in the paper. The table in your final writeup must match your do file.

You must submit the following files in Canvas:

  •  Do File
  •  Log File
  •  PDF or Word document that contains no more than 2 pages: one each for the formatted output (table) and writeup.

Note: The dofile and log file must show all work with the data, including opening the dataset, any data manipulations, and all subsequent code to produce the final output for your tables and responses.