Discussion Board 3: Article Critique

The peer-reviewed academic journal article you chose for your proposal (Is it safe to use hormonal substances and antibiotics in the growth promotion of livestock?
Hirpessa, B. B., Ulusoy, B. H., & Hecer, C. (2020). Hormones and hormonal anabolics: Residues in animal source food, potential public health impacts, and methods of analysis. Journal of Food Quality, 2020, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5065386

The peer-reviewed academic journal article you chose for your proposal (in Module 2) was the foundation of your Semester Project. In this Discussion, you will write a short critique to summarize and analyze your article – this will serve as your Initial Post. In your Response Posts, you’ll be reading your peers’ Initial Posts, and offering feedback to help them flesh out their presentations. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Initial Post
Your Critique must address the following:

Remind the class of your Research Question and the Article Title

First Paragraph: Summary
HYPOTHESIS: What is the main question that the authors investigated?
EXPERIMENT: Briefly describe the experiment(s) the authors used to answer their question.
RESULTS & ANALYSIS: Summarize the conclusions the authors drew from their experiment(s).

Second Paragraph: Analysis
Which results are most relevant to your Research Question?
Explain how this article helps you to answer your Research Question