Operations Management Assessment-2022

Answer the following questions:

1- What is the main problem facing the SME food company? Describe the analysis followed by the authors in investigating the problem extent and implications, causes and root cause. Describe, define, and state the purpose of the tools used in the case study to analyze the problem and its root causes. What type of wastes can be attributed to the disclosed problems?

2- What were the main solutions/ approaches implemented in the case study? How did the author justify rationally the use of these approaches and how did they connect them with the problems and their causes? Illustrate the underlying concepts, purpose and procedures related to the SPC and Lean.

3- What were the results achieved?

4- Conduct a review of the benefits of applying Lean and SPC in any industry using appropriate references and research publications.

5- Which is better for a company that adopts cost leadership strategy to be agile or to implement lean? Justify your answer.

Part B (15 Marks)
Word count: Minimum 1500 words.
Compare and contrast the focus on reducing the cost era with the focus on quality era within the evolution stages that operations management has progressed through.