Immigrant Students in the US Education System

Write an essay geared toward a public audience, that has some sort of argument regarding the “immigrant students” and “woman students of color”.

What do you want to say? What should educational stakeholders (re)consider? What are you trying to inform the larger public (or, if you make clear, a specific audience) about? It will be your job to synthesize the viewpoints a immigrant student and your own opinions into a readable, accessible essay as part of your argument or point of clarification.

In addition to the study/scholarship in which your interview/essay is framed around, include at least three additional links/“references” that are synthesized and then linked in your essay (these can be other readings but other links such as news articles, podcasts, Twitter, etc.).

Finally, make sure to have at least a small section about suggestions or “action steps” that we can take to provide a more equitable schooling experience for students. Do not forget this!

Think about multicultural approaches and what tangible things that we can do inside schools that can help the student population in which you are writing about.