Analytical Documentation (equivalent to 4,000 words in total)

The final written assignment is a 4,000 word reflective analysis of the theatre-making processes experienced in the production process. The document should focus on key/significant moments of discovery and personal and group development. You will be expected to contextualize your analysis and experience within appropriate performance theories, vocabularies, working methods and relevant models of practice.

You may incorporate images, diagrams, tables, bullet points and/or forms of electronically recorded illustration if you feel this is appropriate to your analysis within the appendices. [INTEGRATE EVERYTHING INTO ONE SINGLE FILE, and beware of the file size limit on TurnIntIn].

Assessment Criteria

These are the criteria by which you will be marked on your analytical documenation, which is worth 40% of the module mark:

  • Research: Evidence of personal study and research into relevant contexts
  • Critical Analysis: the ability to analyse and engage critically with the rehearsal methodologies and performance processes, drawing on relevant research
  • Understanding of the relationship between the material (text, themes) and the chosen production approaches, drawing on relevant research
  • Presentation: accurate spelling, grammar and referencing; effective documentation