Bodily Deviance

Choose a form of deviance. Using recent scholarly sources (not more than 10 years old), explain how your chosen form of deviance is socially constructed as deviant in the following format:

First, provide statistics that demonstrate this behavior/identity is in fact, deviant.

Second, provide research about how current attitudes toward this behavior/identity are negative and/or stigmatizing.

Third, provide research that illustrates the negative impact that being stigmatized/labeled as deviant has on this particular group.

SHORT ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE: Being a vegetarian is deviant in America. First, estimates indicate that only about 3% of Americans follow a vegetarian diet. Second, vegetarians are stigmatized by non-vegetarians as a result of their vegetarianism. Third, vegetarians suffer from family and peer rejection because of their deviant diets (Merriman 2010).