Response: Scorpion…: Auden, Bishop, Brooks, Césaire, Lowell

Each response should consist of two sections of writing that total roughly 250 words,

For the response, choose a poem (or section of a poem) and, for the first section, write a few sentences saying what the poem says. (In other words, if the poet wasn’t writing with rhymes or poetic language but instead was just speaking plainly, what would the words be? This portion is like “translating” the poem into plain and/or spoken language.)

Then the second section should be your perspective on how the poet’s language impacts the meaning and feeling of the poem. Try to use some of the terms we learn in class, like alliteration, or slant rhyme, or kinds of meter (like iambic, for example). Obviously, the more we talk about things in class, the more terms you’ll know. Just do your best for now!