Digital Business: Cyber Security
Coursework Title/ Brief
• Choose an area of current interest that is worthy of study, i.e. a real-life issue that a company might face involving the use of technology.
• Provide a synopsis to the chosen area providing background and academic underpinning outlining why findings from this research would be potentially useful.
• Choose and clarify an appropriate method of measuring the chosen phenomena.
This will be presented in the form of a poster (digital) with a word count of 1000–1500, including text and graphics as appropriate. This is presented in the form of a research proposal outlining a workable piece of research and how this would be achieved. An approach to the primary research is to be outlined but not undertaken. All references can be on a second separate page, giving you a total of 2 pages – the word count only includes what is on the first page. Please save on either PowerPoint or as a Pdf before uploading to Moodle.
Coursework Aim
The aim of this coursework is to allow students to look in depth at a chosen area of study and analyse the issues in terms of the impact of digital business
On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:
3. Critically appraise appropriate business or organisational situations where digital business can be applied.
4. Critically assess the benefits of digital business research in business or organisational contexts.