Environmental Politics

This assessment contains two pieces of writing, which should be combined in one Word document, with one bibliography at the end. It should be 2,400 words including bibliography across the two pieces.

i) A critical review of a blog (to be selected from a list) that summarises, deconstructs and responds to the author’s argument.

ii) A blog post that presents and supports your own argument about an environmental political issue/debate that has been discussed in the module (or something closely related). You may write your blog on the same topic you researched for your group presentation. Your task is to write a blog in the style of those published in intellectually rigorous/serious online current affairs platforms such as The Conversation, Open Democracy, etc. You will be reading and discussing a number of different blogs as part of your tutorials, so you should use those as models to follow. While we don’t specify a required length, most blog posts are 800-1000 words in length.

Essential reading for this assessment is A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston.