Research Methods for Marketing

This assessment enables you to partially demonstrate the learning outcomes required for the successful completion of the module, specifically:
To demonstrate an understanding of how to identify the information requirements of an organisation and design an effective and appropriate Marketing Research project to meet those requirements including:

Developing effectively worded research aimsand objectives

Developing appropriate and justified research and analysis methodology to achieve those aims and objectives

Identifying and addressing ethical issues and considerations associated with the proposal

Developing an appropriate research instrument for the proposal

Developing an appropriate timetable for the proposal

Identifying and addressing limitations associated with the proposal

Communicating this information clearly and effectively in a written report

The Individual Proposal
This individual proposal will build upon Assessment A where working in a group you designed and presented a research proposal based upon the information needs of a business presented in your allocated scenario where you represent a marketing research agency ‘pitching’ to win a research contract from that organisation.

The Individual Proposal is an individuallyproduced 3000 word research proposal that explores the research problem contained in the allocated scenario. You will write a fully considered, justified and feasible research proposal for the key decision maker in the organisation that has written the brief. The intention is to plan a piece of applied research which will meet the organisation’s information requirements. It is up to you how to go about achieving this, drawing on your learning from the module. Your proposal needs to contain at least one example research instrument (e.g. survey, moderator’s guide), to be included as an appendix. It is important that you work independently on your proposal to avoid leaving yourself open to charges of academic misconduct such as collusion or plagiarism.