Whole life insurance and estate planning

This is a discussion post. Please use the attached Discussion_Introduction_Peer_Reviews to refer to for more details on my specific topic of whole life insurance and estate planning.

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Using the template (available below) and the following instructions to write a draft of your method and results. Specific guidelines:

The purpose of the Methodology and Results chapter is to describe how you addressed your capstone story in the production, distribution, and promotion of your final multimedia project. You will explain how the various storytelling and media elements were used in your project and provide screenshots of these elements and/or hyperlinks to them. You will also describe the results of your distribution and promotion efforts.

The sections of the Methodology and Results (700-1,500 words) chapter include:

Project Development: This section describes how you developed your topic into a multimedia report. It describes how you narrowed the broader subject, issue, problem or need into a compelling and informative multimedia story. It usually starts with a statement of the general area of concern and ends with a statement of the problem, issue or subject addressed in your final project in specific terms.

Project Execution: This section identifies and explains why specific media elements (text, audio, infographics, photographs, video, etc) were used to tell specific parts of the story (interview, action footage, b-roll, natural sound). This media selection should be based on the qualities of the medium and the story segment presented.

Project Distribution: This section describes the Introduction and Deliverables sections of the Distribution Plan completed in month 11. This section details the platforms on which various media elements from the final project were distributed (YouTube, Vimeo, Flikr, etc.).

Project Promotion: This section discusses the promotional efforts executed by the student on behalf of the final project. The Publication Timeline, Social Media Outreach and Traditional Media Outreach sections of the Distribution Plan (from NMD) form the basis of this section.

Project Results: This section reiterates the target audience for the final project and details the results of the Google Analytics/site statistics report generated based on the final project page. The Target Audience section of the Distribution Plan forms the basis for this section.