Government policies that are curtailing the spread of criminal behaviour

The area, which you investigate, must have a link with crime and or crime prevention (victims, perpetrators or process interventions) concerning the justice system. You are encouraged to use your experiences or interests, which relate to issues of crime and criminal justice. This might include experience gained from volunteering/placement, paid work or other areas of experience. Such links can be important in making the dissertation important and interesting for you and your future academic / career development.

The overall aims of the module are to further develop your research abilities. In particular all students will be assisted to:

• Plan a research project (Linking with previous research method modules)
• Identify aims that are achievable, ethical and relevant
• Design a research strategy and utilise a method to achieve aims
• Carry out the research and write up with a description and discussion of results, a set of valid conclusions and recommendations for future practice or further research.

Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Develop a realistic and ethical research question with a measurable aim and objectives.

Assessment 1
LO2 Compile a critical literature review and research methodology.

Assessment 1
LO3 Synthesise research findings and make informed judgements in the light of these (Project and Poster).

Assessment 1 & 2
LO4 Develop recommendations for future practice and/or further research as a result of findings (Project and Poster).

Assessment 1 & 2
LO5 Critically reflect on and refine academic and personal goals.

Assessment 1
Demonstrate the ability to meet the research aims and purpose in a dissertation format.