
Essay on Sainte Genevieve library. Develop an argument about how the use of technology, the architectural program (the purpose or function of the building), formal decisions (such as the design of space, the use of materials, and the choice of site), and social and cultural needs plausibly relates your building to the tradition of modern architecture. You are encouraged to view the PowerPoint images in the Canvas course files, browse the readings in these files, and to obtain images and articles from online resources such as JSTOR, SAHARA, and the Avery Index of Architectural Periodicals. Make certain you engage at least few of the course readings or other sources in developing your argument.

The Reading you could choose from:

1. Sigfried Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition, 164- 290.
2. Kenneth Frampton, Modern Architecture, 1-19.
3. Barry Bergdoll, European Architecture 1750-1890, 19-32, 86-102.
4. Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture, 707-776.
5. Frampton, Modern Architecture, 42-50.
6.Alan Colquhoun, Modern Architecture, 35-56. Frampton, Modern Architecture, 51-63.