Air Masses, the Midlatitude Cyclone and Weather Maps

(From Applications and Investigations in Earth Science, Fifth Edition, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Dennis Tasa, and Kenneth G. Pinzke. Copyright ©
2004 by Pearson Education Inc. Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.)

Lecture Reference Material:
Chapter 8 (Midlatitude Weather Systems)

Lab Objectives:
Discuss the characteristics, movements and source regions of North American air masses.
Define and draw a profile of a typical warm front.
Define and draw a profile of a typical cold front.
Diagram and label all parts of an idealized, mature, midlatitude cyclone.
Interpret the data presented on a surface weather map.
Prepare and analyze a simple surface weather map using standard techniques.
Use a surface weather map to forecast the weather for a city.

Materials Needed:
Lab Manual
Colored Pencils