Community Health Nursing Role- hospice nurse

Educational Background, licensing, certification required and experience needed for the role (20%) Discuss the required educational background (BSN, MSN, etc ) additional licenses/certification needed, (PHN, etc) exams for licensing/certifications, and specific nursing experience expected (years of experience as an RN).

The patient population served including the setting/environment (20%) Discuss the main patient population the nursing role will serve (school-aged children, etc). Approximately how many specific patients/clients will the nurse reach? What are the setting (school, clinic, etc) and main environment for serving the population?

Professional duties of the role, including additional professionals who may be part of the interdisciplinary team (20%) Discuss the main duties of the nurse role and other healthcare professionals (social worker, etc) who may collaborate/partner with the nurse providing care/services to the patient/client population.

Importance of the role and projected need for the future (20%) Project ahead approximately 5-10 years and discuss the importance of the role as an advocate and the projected needs of the population in the future. Include actual data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, including the state of California.

Conclusion/Summary (5%) Finish the paper with a summary of what was covered and a conclusion with any additional thoughts and insight gained on the nursing role.