Pathophysiology of Disorder

Discuss the pathophysiology of a disorder covered in your textbook. We may or may not have covered this disorder in class. If there is an unassigned disease that you would prefer from the list- you may take it after asking me if it is still available. You may not have the same disease as another student.

The following sections must be included in your discussion.

I. Part I – Pathophysiology of Disorder / Disease
a. Incidents/Risk factors
b. Pathophysiology / Pathogenesis
c. Clinical Manifestations

  • i. Discuss “why” you see these signs and symptoms <–

d. Diagnostics

  • i. What tests and results do you expect to see? <–

e. Treatment

  • i. Surgical (include invasive and non-invasive procedures)
  • ii. Medical (include medications)

f. Conclusion

II. Part 2 – Reflection
a. Application to Nursing
i. How is understanding pathophysiology applicable to your clinical practice as a student and a future practicing nurse?