Using the resources provided, resources from class on health care (e.g., other readings, the documentary Unnatural Causes: Place Matters), and considering your values about healthcare and equity, argue why you think one of these healthcare approaches is best.
1. In your paper, provide enough information about the approach you have chosen so that readers become knowledgeable about it.
2. Discuss why you believe this approach is most equitable. For example, what will it do to create health equity? Consider this in terms of access and affordability as well as the long-term impacts of healthcare for life trajectories. What inequities will this approach resolve?
3. Discuss the strengths and limitations/challenges of this approach and provide some ideas for how challenges could be addressed. For example, are challenges about public (mis) perceptions? If so, what can be done to overcome this? In your discussion of these pros and cons, be sure to present a synthesized argument. Do not simply parrot one of the readings.
4. Provide a brief conclusion to bring closure to your argument and paper.


1. Correct identification of key concepts in the videos, websites, and chapter readings about health care approaches.
2. Demonstrated analytic ability.
3. The degree to which you articulate and support your argument for one of these approaches. Is evidence (research or policy-based evidence) presented to support your claim? Does your argument for a policy address context and/or mechanisms that have been established by research to influence child outcomes?
4. Quality of writing: Is the writing concise and well organized? Is there a logical flow to the analysis? Is there a brief opening and conclusion? Have all instructions been followed?
5. Grammar: Is the paper free of grammatical and/or typographical errors? Has it been adequately proofread?
6. APA style and citation: You must include APA citations in the text of your document and provide a corresponding reference list at the end of the paper. See resources provided in Canvas for this course, or the WSU Library for how to cite sources such as these.