XYZ Foundation Request for Proposals

Adapted from (website currently unavailable)

What is the Mission of the XYZ Foundation (XYZ)?
XYZ’s mission is to improve the quality of life of individuals who have disabilities. XYZ funds projects that 1) operate on a local or regional scale and 2) are delivered by non-profit
organizations. Awarded funds may not be used for political lobbying or organizational fundraising efforts. Projects addressing low vision rehabilitation are especially welcome.

Am I eligible to apply for an XYZ grant?
XYZ awards grants to non-profit organizations working with individuals who have disabilities. The Project Director of the grant must work for the non-profit organization.

How much does XYZ award through its grants?
XYZ typically funds five projects per year. Requested funds are to be spent across a three-year period, beginning June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2025. XYZ will award up to $300,000 per each three-year project. While a project’s total budget may exceed $300,000 per three years, annual requested funds should not exceed $100,000. There will be no carry-over funds from one year to another. Grantees must report annually to XYZ on their progress toward goals and expenditures.

How will applications be reviewed and awarded?
Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria (for 100 total points).
Applicants must use the following headings for the structure of their proposals:

1. Needs: Project Approach and Activities (30 points)
A statement of why your project is needed in your community. Describe in detail the unmet needs in your community and how your organization intends to address them in
a new or innovative way through the grant project. Describe your organization and why it is fit for the grant. Describe your Project Goal and Project Objectives.

Peer Review Criteria for Needs Section:
What is the name of the organization requesting funds?

Are the project goals and objectives stated clearly?

What community or region does this proposal intend to serve?
What are the unmet needs of the community or region and was this described in detail?

How is the project new or innovative to the community or region?

How will the project be sustained once funding ends?

How does the proposal match up with the mission of the XYZ Foundation?

Does the project exceed three years?

Does the proposal include direct quotes from letters of support?

2. Personnel: Project Director and Collaborations (10 points)
A brief description of who will direct the project, including a resume of his/her skills and experience. Please list the names and contacts of community groups collaborating with you on the project. Provide a detailed description of the unique role and contributions of these collaborators on your project. The number of collaborations is not limited. Letters of support from your collaborators that specifically outline how you will work together are required.

Peer Review Criteria for Personnel Section:
Who will direct the project?

Is there a resume for the project director in Appendices?

Who are the names and contacts of community collaborators for the project?

What are the roles of the community collaborators?

Are there letters of support from the community collaborators?

3. Management Plan (20 points)
A description of your key activities plus timeline of key activities. Assign personnel and deadlines to activities. Activities must be linked to Project Objectives. Project
activities must conclude by May 1, 2025, and a final evaluation report must be submitted to the XYZ Foundation by June 30, 2025.

Peer Review Criteria for Management Plan Section:
Are the project tasks clear and valid for the project?

Are personnel assigned to tasks?
Are deadlines indicated?

Are there any goals/objectives that are not addressed by the management plan?

Are there any personnel not assigned to tasks?

4. Project Evaluation (10 points)
A description of your project measurement processes. Describe how you will meet
the objectives listed in the Project Approach and Activities section of your
application. Describe how you will measure the effectiveness of the proposed
strategies, the effectiveness of your collaborations, and the sustainability of your
program once XYZ funds have ended. Describe how you will report the status of your
project to XYZ each year.

Peer Review Criteria for Project Evaluation Section:
How will the project’s effectiveness and outcomes be measured?

Are all goals/objectives linked to an evaluation measure?

How is quality of life being measured?

How and when will project status be reported to the XYZ Foundation?

5. Budget (20 points)
A detailed, line-item budget and justification of the funding amount requested. Budget expenses must be broken up by Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3. You must provide details on
direct and indirect costs and in-kind contributions for this project. Applications that do not have an accurate, complete budget will not be funded.

Peer Review Criteria for Budget Section:
Does the project itemize both requested funds and in-kind contributions?

Do the total requested funds not exceed $300,000?

Do the requested funds not exceed $100,000 per year?

Is the budget understandable and accurate?

Does the budget account for personnel and other direct costs?

Is the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) listed for each personnel in both budget narrative and budget table?
Does the project list indirect costs?

Does the budget list a percentage for the indirect rate (%)?

Is the budget accurate

Is the budget complete?

6. Appendices (10 points)
Include at minimum the following pieces of documentation: resume of the Project Director, at least three letters of support from various stakeholders (consumers, professionals, etc.) supporting your project, and at least one budget table. Include any supplementary documentation that adds to the value of your proposal.

Peer Review Criteria for Appendices Section:
Is the Project Director’s resume included?

Are at least three letters of support from collaborators included?

Is there at least one accurate and complete budget table?

Is an APA References list included?

Is supplementary information included?

Is each appendix cited within the grant narrative?