Measuring Well being- two countries member of OECD Israel/ UK

Qualitative Methods
Prosperity, Equality, Opportunity, Healthcare and Well- Being

(The OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Well-being Israel/ UK
Empirical Analysis

Table of contents:
 Abstract
 Keywords: Prosperity, Equality, Opportunity, Healthcare, Well- Being
• Introduction
• Background
• Literature Review
• Design
• Methods
• Expect Outcomes
• References
• Appendices

Introduction: 200 words
In this section, will be evaluate on:
How appropriate you describe the purpose and importance of the study to your readers.

Literature Review 1500 words
-The extent key and relevant theories, frameworks or studies are considered
-The extent the above are analysed, evaluated, criticize and scrutinize
-The structure of the arguments that lead to possible actions or hypotheses

Designs 100 words
-The extend you demonstrate key issues in the designing process
-The clarity and specificity in terms of the major methods in quantitative or qualitative methods
-Ethical concerns in connection with the design proposed

Methods 500 words
-The extent key details and relevant keywords in participants, sampling methods, data collection means and procedures are described and explained. For example, who are the participants? And method of enquiry.
Expected Outcomes 200 words
-The extend the expected outcomes of the study are clearly stated and expressed

-Appropriate use of references