Social Science – Assignment

From the 5 questions listed below, select and answer 4 of them. Responses to each question should be between 1 page and 1.5 pages long, double spaced (approximately 400 to 525 words). You are not to use quotes—instead, paraphrase ideas and use in-text citations (MLA Style).

1. Explain the following three concepts: settler colonialism, terra nullius, and the doctrine of discovery. Describe how these three concepts are linked in relation to the history of Canada as a nation.

2. In lecture we looked at two different approaches to racism: liberalism, and critical race theory. Explain the difference between these two approaches to racism. Which theory do you think is better at dealing with racism? Explain why you think so.

3. Explain what is meant by the manufacturing of consent in relation to the media and media concentration. Why should we be worried about media concentration and the manufacturing of consent?

4. Explain the difference between Anthropocene and Capitalocene. Which approach is better at explaining the current climate change crisis? Explain why.

5. In lecture we discussed violence as a possible tactic of social movements. Why do some activists and social movement organisations promote and utilize pacifism as a tactic? What are the critiques of pacifism expressed by Indigenous activist and scholar Ward Churchill?

The PDF attached (QUESTION 4- Moore The Rise of Cheap Nature) is the article that explains question 4. Answer to question 4 can be found in this article.