Analyse data from Edinburgh’s JustEat bicycle hire scheme from January 2021


The assignment requires you to analyse data from Edinburgh’s JustEat bicycle hire scheme from January 2021. The data include trips with a duration of at least one minute, made during Just Eat Cycles’ regular opening times. This excludes cancelled trips and bikes moved by the JustEat team.

Variable definitions are given below:

Variables Format Description

started_at Timestamp Timestamp of when the trip started

ended_at Timestamp Timestamp of when the trip ended

duration Integer Duration of trip in seconds

start_station_id String Unique ID for start station

start_station_name String Name of start station

start_station_description String Description of where start station is located

start_station_latitude Decimal degrees in WGS84 Latitude of start station

start_station_longitude Decimal degrees in WGS84 Longitude of start station

end_station_id String Unique ID for end station

end_station_name String Name of end station

end_station_description String Description of where end station is located

end_station_latitude Decimal degrees in WGS84 Latitude of end station

end_station_longitude Decimal degrees in WGS84 Longitude of end station

The assignment requires you to carry out a series of tasks. All of the code used to answer the questions must be included with your assignment. You should also comment on the results you generate and explain to the reader what they show.

The assignment must be produced using R Markdown. You must submit both the .Rmd file and the knitted html file (a knitted Word of pdf file will also be acceptable). Note that the knitted output must contain the output of the code. Credit will not be given for code which does not produce anything. Outputs will not be produced by the marking team from your code. It is your responsibility to ensure that any plots, tables or other output displays correctly in the knitted output. Check which files you have submitted. Changes made to submissions after the deadline will be counted as late and will be subject to late penalties. You cannot claim at a later date you intended to submit something else. Whatever you submit will be marked and that will be the final grade.

You should spend time to make the output of your work presentable. For example, charts and tables should be properly labelled i.e., no raw variable names, labels which clash and so on. You should not go beyond 1,000 words in writing up your results. Code is not included in the word count.


Give summary statistics for the trip duration along with your interpretation of the results.

Plot the distribution of the trip duration.

Plot how many trips start at each of the 10 most popular stations for trips to start at.

Make a table showing the 10 most popular origin-destination pairs and the number of trips between them.

Plot the distribution of trip duration for each of the 10 most popular stations for trips to start at.