Creating a non-profit

7.1 Will plan, design, develop, and construct a non-profit, human service organization based on a specific social need you identified in your community. You will be expected to use foundation macro practice concepts and principles previously covered during the semester in the planning, development, and construction of the social service organization. You will use the 10-step model for developing/creating social service organizations covered in class. 2-3 pages

7.3 This reflection paper is designed to reflect your thinking process of what you described/wrote on the assignment (the interview questions/answers that were done with a community planner). Answer the following questions. Submit 2 pages reflection paper.

The Practice of Macro Social Work, William G. Brueggmann, 4th ed.,
ISBN-13: 978-0-495-60228-6

How can you justify the need for the new organization? What will work?
What will not work?
How can you overcome this?
What would you do differently?
What would you do to implement improvements?
And last: what did you learn from writing the assignment, communicate with your instructor about how this experience and readings, helped shape your understanding of class-related material. Any personal experiences that connect with the subject matter.