Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc- Sustainabilty Strategy

Dundee University is a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), committing to teaching students to balance business performance with the achievement of wider objectives such as the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Jack, 2022). The 6 principles of PRME focus on the purpose, values, method, research, partnership and dialogue. With many academics and practitioners suggesting it is vital that all business schools adopt these principles (Wolfe & Werhane, 2010).

Operational vs. Academic
Academically, this means in practice there must be a focus on interdisciplinary teaching, a key change to traditional teaching that has been concluded is vital to successfully delivering on the PRME framework (AnnanDiab & Molinari, 2017). Operationally, there should be exemplary sustainable organisational management strategies being deployed by the university with clear observable examples of hard infrastructure and the nudging of behaviours and norms to support the increased sustainability of university operations.

How has becoming a signatory to the PRME in 2020 translated to operational changes at the university?
What aspect of the University of Dundee is least sustainable and what’re your plans for addressing this?
Principle 4, research, suggests that the university should academically focus increasingly on sustainability. What are the tradeoffs of this shift? How might this negatively affect the university in the long run?