Serial Episode Ten

Part I – Listen to the Serial Episode and post a thoughtful question in our class forum as described in the Syllabus.

Part II – Respond thoughtfully to at least one other student’s question as described in the Syllabus.

After listening to the episode in this week of serial, I am yet troubled by the presented events. One is whether, during Adnan’s bail hearing, he was denied simply because of his race and religion or since Koenig mentioned that it was heard that he had an uncle back in Pakistan that could make people disappear if they ever got to him. I think this idea is BS, and you can’t argue for someone’s danger of not showing up at a later time when the potential threat is thousands of miles away. I would think that that happening is slim because of his inability to fly. Additionally, I believe that the prosecution used the avenue of Adnan being infuriated because of the breakup to pin the murder onto him since it was a discrediting aspect of his religion when a man couldn’t control his woman. This could be an aspect of approach for them since they would argue for his enraged status just based on this thing. But, I think it wouldn’t work simply because there are not enough quality evidence and testimonies to prove this aspect. Another thing that puzzled me was that the defense attorney Cristina went on the rampage to defend Adnan and blame it on Jay; I think that Jay got off way too quickly despite the argument of his involvement in hiding evidence, faking statements to it would fit the prosecuting side, but also the aspect of covering his tracks, destroying evidence and much more to less the view of his involvement. I think that Jay now looks more guilty because of his actions and the deal he made with the prosecuting side. He likely made the statement because of his guilt, feeling that he had to give back since they offered him free legal aid. I think this aspect has to be investigated more because the statement made was incorrect and made not voluntarily. So, in the end, was Jay more guilty than Adnan because of his coverup, or was Adnan more guilty looking because of his inconsistent statements and lack of remorse towards the whole situation, and inability to properly defend himself by speaking up?