Excel Assignment

1. The assignment can be submitted in groups of maximum TWO students. You can also work individually if you choose to.
2. Each group will be assigned a different country to work with.
3. It is emphatically not allowed to discuss or share anything regarding this assignment with another group. If you need help with Excel or finding data for your country, you can refer to plenty of YouTube tutorials or your instructor as last resort.
4. You need to submit a report that contains the graphs and analysis (TWO pages maximum) and one Excel file as an Appendix that contains all your data. You need to clearly mention in your report the names of your group, section number, as well as the data sources that you used for each economic variable.
5. The deadline for this assignment is May 8th (section 77) and May 9th (section 78) during class time.
6. READ ALL these guidelines very carefully and make sure you understand what to do before starting your assignment.

For all the tasks below only use quarterly or yearly data for at least 30 years.

1. (2 marks) Plot the real GDP for the country over time and add an exponential trend line with its equation, which reflects the potential GDP. Analyze briefly your graph highlighting periods of recession and expansions, as well as finding the long run economic growth rate.

2. (2 marks) Use real (or constant prices) household Consumption (C), private investment (I) and your data on real GDP (Y). Plot on the same diagram the following relationships:
C = a + b*Y
I = m + n*Y
where (a, b, m, n) are constants to be estimated.

The frequency of the data for C, I, and Y must be the same (e.g., quarterly or yearly), and that you need to use constant prices of the same year for both
variables (e.g., Consumption and GDP, at constant prices of 2005, or 100=2005, or any other year available). b is the marginal propensity to consume (MPC)

3. (1 mark) Assume anything else is constant, find the multiplier (K) for the chosen economy