Baseline analysis and Proposals Report (OA level for the Parish of Wilmslow)

Your first assignment is a baseline analysis report focusing on a particular topic that you have identified through the analysis of a range of data sources. This will include producing MS Excel based data analysis, presentation and statistical analysis, ArcGIS PRO choropleth mapping, overlaying other data layers on your base map (i.e. Using the overlay technique in ArcGIS PRO) and undertaking spatial analysis (e.g. buffering). Your baseline assessement you typically focus one of the following topics:

The analysis should be undertaken at what is called the OA level for the Parish of Wilmslow. Your analysis should be put into context and examine how this compares to the whole of the Cheshire East Council area. A full assessment briefing will be issued in week 5.

Building on assignment Part I, you will produce a report which identifies a number of proposals to tackle the various issues you have identified in your previous analysis. The report should highlight/summarise the key issues you have identified and then focus on your various solutions and proposal for your chosen topic. The report should be illustrated with a series of maps, plans, diagrams, illustrations etc. to show how you intend to address the matter. You proposals report should include:Provide a written explanation to support and justify your proposals.

  • Provide a written explanation to support and justify your proposals.
  • Include a summary or conclusion at the end.
  • A list of references for data sources, ideas etc.
  • Provide a written explanation to support and justify your proposals.