Star Thrower Corporation


Scenario: After reviewing the mission summary, Star Thrower Corporation feels it is best that the author of the weather satellite proposal pitch this idea to its shareholders on their behalf. You now have an all-expense paid round-trip ticket to Las Vegas, Nevada with hotel accommodations at Las Vegas’ newest hotel, the Cosmopolitan.

You must submit a PowerPoint presentation describing your proposed weather satellite architecture. Minimum number of slides is 10, but be sure if you do the minimum that it accurately describes your proposal.

Presentation submissions:

Must be a PowerPoint presentation describing your proposed weather satellite architecture
Must be submitted inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom access is not possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor).
Must be a minimum of 10 slides
Must be proofread.
Keep text minimal, using slides as talking points rather than verbatim what you would say. Provide presenter notes that include more details on what you intend to discuss on each slide.

Choose a minimum font size as a guideline. You want the text to be clearly visible and readable so that the person in the back of the room doesn’t struggle to read.

Choose a maximum number of words per bullet point. Do no write full. The words on the slide are only meant to prompt you what to say and as a reminder to the audience. If you have too many words, the audience will spend their time trying to read your entire slide.

Do not include sub-bullet points under a bullet point unless you have at least two sub-bullets. If you find yourself creating a single sub-bullet point, consider removing it and including it in the presenter notes. This would represent something that you would SAY during the presentation, but it doesn’t need to be written out on the slide.

Figures and Tables are very effective in slides, but do not include too many per slide. Also do not add a figure for the sake of adding a figure, make sure the figure is relevant to the subject matter of the slide.

Make sure that the background color of the slide has good contrast with the text color on the slide. Dark backgrounds with white text tend to be easier on the eyes.