Public Policy

Should governments themselves evaluate public policies?

Examine policy evaluation – formative and summative and the evaluation of public policies, focusing on ‘pilots’, ‘randomised control trials’, and ‘nudge’ behavioural psychology theory.

Discuss and identify two case studies to reinforce your argument.

Define the key terms at the outset. In the introduction summarise main argument(s), succinctly. Explain why this argument is important.

Provide a brief ‘map. Example:
This essay will examine 1)… 2)… 3)… and 4)…. Adhere to this outline clearly, throughout the essay, preferably using subheadings.In the main body develop an argument(s) over the course of 3-4 main sections and apply theoretical ideas and concepts wherever relevant, demonstrating knowledge. Justify arguments and evidence, either through empirical examples, case studies or references to the literature. Be analytical and critical: demonstrate the ability to evaluate the literature, making sure to support opinions with evidence and reasoned argument.

Reference a minimum of 15 sources including wider literature, Utilise a broad array of sources, including government and NGO policy reports, think-tank papers, and articles. (3000 words excl refs)