Managing change in organization

Note the following instructions:

You may select any organisation upon which to base your answers including the case study, but you are strongly recommended to select an organisation that you have worked for or one you feel you can research easily using the Internet and academic search engines. The latter approach is acceptable where you do not work for an organisation. It is also acceptable to base your answer on a case study.

Your assignment must be a single document in word or PDF format. Turnitin cannot accept multiple files or linked files). With reference to the information in the case study, Audit Scotland. 2018. Transformational Change Round Table answer the following questions:

Question 1

Using examples from organisations that you have either worked for or researched including the case study define and contrast the nature of the change process that they faced and using relevant models from the course materials and/or your own wider reading, demonstrate the key drivers for change in each case. 
(25 marks)

Question 2
Focusing on one of the examples you described in Question 1 identify the key stakeholders. How might senior management have identified the main areas of support or resistance to any planned change? Discuss how resistance to change should have been ideally managed.  (25 marks)

Question 3
Using an example of change from either your own experience or from your own research, evaluate how effectively you feel the change process was managed in terms of the issues
that surrounded knowledge management, knowledge tracking and knowledge migration. 
(25 marks)

Question 4
Compare and contrast any two models that help senior managers to diagnose and plan change in their organisation. Discuss their role in supporting the success of such processes.