Wastewater treatment in South Africa – technological approaches to dealing with wastewater in the next decade.

– The report should consist of an executive summary which provides key information from your main report including your suggestions for the future.
– Three sections of the report.

1) An introduction, it should include information on the geography, land mass, water resources including river systems, population with proportions living in urban and rural areas (page and a half maximum), climate – is that have a high rainfall or is it a dry? What water resources does this country have available to them, is it one of the water stress areas of the world, does it have a lot of rivers and good ground water?
Climate and any water resources and pollution issue should be explored, including incidents of waterborne disease. Any specific issues in terms of water pollution – for instance, mining wastewater pollute the rivers, no treatment- it is going directly to the water courses and how much problem is that or the country doesn’t have very much in the way of an established sewage treatment approach, then you know what are the key pollution problems that related to public health for this nation. Any statistical information available to support your report and recommendation should be included.

2) Background information
– Information on the range of wastewater treatment currently being employed with additional information on a range of other options for dealing with wastewater.
– You may be looking at different approach for cities and rural areas, diagrams may be useful additions.
– Water treatment plants – are they in good conditions, are they efficient?
– Do they need a better standard of wastewater before releasing to the environment?
– Relatively small city centers and a lot of rural areas on the outskirts and they may need a different approach.
– Growing population in cities, do they need to do something drastic there?

3) Your assessment of future needs and recommendations as to the options available – along with your rationale for your recommendations. These should also consider feasibility and costs. This section of the report has higher weighting with regards to marks.

4) References – 25 including grey literature, such as companies reports.