Mining Fact Book

You have the opportunity to earn up to 13 bonus points in this activity, which will count toward this summative grade. Make sure that you follow the guidelines below though. Mining Fact Book (Summative) You will need a cover page (2pts), with your name and title (2pts). Your book will contain the 3 chapters listed below. Include a table of contents (3pts). Below each chapter is the information that should be contained in that chapter. Each chapter must contain at least 3 illustrations with a caption describing the illustration (9pts).

Chapter 1: Minerals and Mineral Resources (18pts)
Introduction (2pts)
What are native elements (meaning as well as examples). How are they different from other minerals? (2pts)
Create a table that describes what the 5 characteristics are that a mineral must have in order to be called a mineral. (5pts)
Ore Minerals (2pts)
Illustrate the basic three ways in which minerals are formed. Hint:

This is NOT the rock cycle.

Extra credit: include the forth method (3pts)
Why are minerals so important economically and industrially speaking? (2pts)
What is the difference between precious gemstones and semiprecious gemstones? (2pts.)

Chapter 2: Mineral Exploration and Mining (18pts)
Introduction (2pts)
“Did You Know” section about mineral exploration (2pts)
Explain subsurface mining. Include explanations for: room-and-pillar mining; longwall mining; solution mining (4pts)
Explain surface mining. Include explanations for: open-pit mining; surface coal mining; quarrying; solar evaporation (5pts)
Explain placer mining. (1pt)
Explain hydraulic mining. (1pt)
Explain smelting (include flux). (2pts)
Explain undersea mining (1 pt)

Chapter 3: Mining Regulations and Mine Reclamation (18pts)
Introduction (2pts)
What are the environmental impacts of mining? Include explanations for: land subsidence; erosion; soil degradation; air and noise pollution; water pollution wildlife destruction and
displacement; mine fires; human health issues (8pts)
Reclamation and its law (2pts)
State regulations for mining (2pts)
Make a table with the following “Acts” include a column explaining how the “Acts” relate to mining: Clean Water Act; Safe Drinking Water Act; Endangered Species Act; Comprehensive Response Compensation and Liability Act; Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (4pts)