Ethyl ethanoate
• An introduction to the assignment, what you will be looking at in your report (use assignment brief context).
• What is ethyl ethanoate, what is it used for?
• Risk assessment for all methods and chemicals used.
• Method used step by step making sure to use the words, reflux, distill, purify, use diagrams/pictures of your set up in reflux and distillation, how did you set it up to not cause strain on the components?
• What happens during reflux, what happens during distillation?
• Explain why each step was taken, what should hopped at each stage.
• What steps did you do in your method and testing that were skillful?
• Expected results of boiling points from distillation and SjAcic>pp,f1method.
• How does each test of boiling point work? What are the literature values? How accurate can you be?
• Are boiling point and IR the best way to measure purity?
• IR spectroscopy, how does it work, what peaks are you looking for in your results? Comment on your purity.
• Are your purity tests reliable? • What is yield and how did you try and produce the highest yield? How did you try and get a pure substance?
• How is ethyl ethanoate (ethyl acetate) produced in industry? Describe Scale. Equipment, raw materials, testing for purity.
• How is your method similar and different to the industrial method? How is the equipment similar and different?
• How will the yield be increased in industry? How is this similar to your method?
• How do they test for purity in industry? Are they more reliable than melting point and IR?