Research: extent and impact of fake news and misinformation in Kurdistan region of iraq

Paper should include the following sections (Add subheadings and other sections if need be):
Title page
Your title page should include: title of the project, student name. Choose a short title which gives a clear idea of what your project is about.
An Abstract is a succinct summary of your research. It should represent why and how you did what you did, and what the results and implications are. This shouldn’t exceed 300 words.
Contents Page
The contents pages will show the structure of the dissertation. Any imbalance in space devoted to different sections of content will become clear. This is a useful way to check if you need to join sections or create new or sub-sections.

Introduce your topic. Why is it interesting? How did you arrive at this topic? State your research questions. State your central findings in your thesis statement.

Research Question
State your research question.
Literature review
What is the relevant literature to your topic?
How have other scholars answered your research questions?
Why is your work contributing new and/or important ideas to this literature?
Based on your review of the existing literature, what do you expect to find? These are your hypotheses. Your

How will you answer your questions?
Depending on your method, this section will take different forms. Are you analyzing documents or data? How are you collecting this data? This section should be very detailed, especially in your first draft. It’s better to include too much explanation of how you’ve conducted your original research, and then cut it later.

Theoretical Framework
Connect your research with a political theory and discuss the framework of the research in accordance to that theory.
This should be where you create charts from PSPP or SPSS in regards to the findings from your survey and analyze the data presented.

What did your research reveal? Discussion of your research findings and analysis? How do your findings compare with your expectations? How do your findings answer your research questions? In a theoretical project you should make a concrete argument drawing upon evidence (case studies, data etc.)

You can merge this section with any other section.. you can decide what is more appropriate Come up with possible solutions to counter fake news in terms of the last question from the survey. Present possible solutions from each aspect of the options (for example how politicians can help, how social media companies can help and the role each play etc..)


What contributions does this research make to the research in Public Policy, Security Studies and/or International Relations? Based on your findings, what future research do you think would shed more light on your research questions?