Gaining buy in

This week, we examined the details of some of the most infamous scientific studies ever conducted, many of which were conducted here in the United States. Each of these cases created an enormous amount of distrust in the scientific and medical community, particularly amongst certain groups of people. African-Americans were most directly affected by the Tuskegee Syphilis Study which is, in part, culpable for a skepticism towards healthcare that is still prevalent today. For this assignment, think about and investigate how instances of racism in medicine may have direct effects on current healthcare interventions.

To help get you started, check out this article that discusses the apprehension among minoritized communities toward the COVID vaccine. You’re welcome (and encouraged) to find other articles that cover this same topic. Then, write a 150+ word reflection about any combination of the following (your choice!):

What most stood out to you from what you read?

What does this tell you about the reasons for vaccine hesitancy among minoritized communities? In what ways does this connect with what we studied in class this week?

What did you learn about how we can work to build trust between the medicine/science and minoritized communities? What strategies for building trust do you think will be most effective?