The People of Sand and Slag

The three short stories we are reading imagine a futuristic world in which the protagonists’ bodies and minds have been altered or augmented, robotically or biologically, in some way, challenging us to examine what it means to be human. With the prospects for artifically enhanced bodies, workers, and companions, what are the sensible and ethical approaches to these technologies? Write a 4-5 pp. research paper (1000-1250 words) in which you both explain the controversy over a specific contemporary application in one of these fields and argue the extent to which you endorse it. You may argue for zero restrictions and control or extensive oversight, or something in between. Be sure you focus on a particular application so that your essay delves deeply into the subject matter as opposed to treating an entire field too broadly and therefore superficially.

Here are some applications and debates you might look into: AI outsmarting humans, labor competition, remote warfare, programmable partners, programmed social biases, transhuman (artificially enhanced humans), video editing (fake videos), facial recognition (privacy, profiling, fraud), tracking devices (privacy, Big Brother), bio-enhancements (super humans), gene modification (designer babies), cloning, bioengineered foods or 3-D printed consumables. I know there are many others!
Choose a narrow topic so that you go into sufficient detail. Artificial intelligence alone is way too big a topic; instead, examine one particular application of artificial intelligence that ignites debate.

Locate an Argument/Thesis: Write a thesis that is a declarative statement that expresses your opinion (in other words, do not ask a question, do not announce what you will argue, and do not make a statement of fact; be sure your thesis is something that can be argued against). You may make a statement about a) the benefits or risks about the tech, or b) what we should do, or c) a conditional statement (if/then), or d) a qualified statement (add an although or despite clause, for example), or e) offer a solution to the problem as you see it, f) and/or follow your statement with a “map” of reasons you believe what you do.

Purpose: Your purpose is to state and support your opinion with reasons and evidence so that your reader is convinced of your position. All essays need to have these fundamentals: claim, reasons, evidence, and relevance (you must establish why any of this matters). Your argument should say something about humanity in the context of present-day discussions about robotic and bio-enhancements, referring to our class reading and your research for support. Reflect on the messages of these articles and stories as they comment upon our natures, curiosity, fantasies, and anxieties about what the future holds and what we humans will do with these technologies.

Organization and Development: There are a variety of ways to organize the paper (we will discuss this later), but you should include a description of the controversy/debate, present the opposing side’s arguments objectively, rebut those arguments and offer reasons and support for your arguments.
Evidence/Quoting/Synthesis Criteria: You must refer to one of our stories and quote at least one of our assigned articles, in addition to quoting from a minimum of 2 outside sources that you find (that’s a total of at least 4 sources: 1 fiction, 3 non-fiction–see below) You may consult a popular source (online or print magazine), but you must also include a peer-reviewed article on the topic (consult our library databases or Google Scholar–you’ll receive instruction on this).

Integrate the sources so that they assist you in establishing the issue, describing the technology, and/or offering perspectives with which you agree or disagree. Remember to give in-text and works cited credit for any paraphrased ideas/words, too. Use MLA documentation style for in-text citations. (Links to an external site.) This should correspond with the Works Cited page that should also be in MLA format. The required number of quotes and correct in-text citations are worth 10 points.