Medication Classifications

Part 2: Case Studies

Please answer the following case study questions using the knowledge gained in this course. Remember to cite your references in APA format. Answer the questions in complete sentences and spell-check your assignment.

Textbook: Woodrow, R., & Colbert, B., (2018). Essentials of Pharmacology for Health Occupations. Cengage Learning.

Case 1

A physician asks you to call an amoxicillin prescription into the pharmacy for a patient. (2pts each)

  1. After 5 days, the patient feels better and wants to stop the amoxicillin because it is upsetting his stomach. What is your response?


  1. Since the patient has suffered an upset stomach, he believes he is allergic to amoxicillin. Would you agree? Explain your response.

Case 2

Mr. Jones has just recently been prescribed Coumadin for his high blood pressure. He explains to you that since his diagnosis he has been exercising and eating more healthier foods like vegetables, legumes, and salmon.  (2pts each)

  1. With this new medication what patient education/instructions might you share with him based on his new diet?


  1. Do to his new diet the patient has been taking omeprazole for his occasional acid reflux and wants to know if he should continue to take it. What is your response


Case 3

Mrs. Cox presented to the office explaining that it burns when she urinates. You’re thinking about prescribing the medication nitrofurantoin. (2pts each)

  1. When asked if she is currently taking medicine she states that she takes Maalox for her GERD. Can she continue taking Maalox with nitrofurantoin? Why or why not? Would you suggest another type of antacid?
  2. What are some instructions and education you may provide her when taking this medication?

Case 4

Mrs. Carleton has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Her physician orders digoxin 0.25 mg, two tablets stat and then one tablet daily. (2pts each)

  1. Mrs. Carleton asks why she needs to take two tablets now but will only take one daily after that. What is your response?


  1. Mrs. Carleton wants to know how digoxin will help her heart. What do you tell her?


Case 5

Mr. Brownstone injured his hip and lower back when he fell off his ladder. When OTC medications did not work he was prescribe oxycodone to help ease the pain. (2pts each)

  1. Over the next few weeks he has noticed that he has become constipated. What would you explain to him in regards to these new symptoms and how can he resolve it?


  1. In between doses his wife noticed that her husband would show an increase in restlessness and agitation. She is concerned that her husband is becoming addicted to the meds. Is this true? What would discuss with her?