Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

1. The essay will need to be at least 1,500 words and include at least 3 outside sources, plus the book itself as a source.

2. Analyze some concept of the novel you chose. It can be symbols, characters, the author’s use of females, etc… You can argue almost anything about the novel and the elements of fiction. Your paper should be an argumentative one.

3. Your thesis should be your paper’s central argument. It needs to go at the end of your introduction. It should NOT use first person.

4. For source support you need to use the text itself, plus at least 3 outside sources:

The novel you read.
At least one outside source should be from a journal article. We used the databases in Unit 2, so if you need help with using them again please revisit that Library page here. If you read a novel that may not have any journal articles on, then please look for a journal article that supports the essay in another way–for example, an article about literary characters or literary plots.

The other two sources should be books, journal articles, or websites written by professionals, literary critics, such as a professor; no Sparknotes, etc… There are many wonderful books on this novel (online and in the library), and there are many wonderful articles on Google Scholar (Links to an external site.).
5. Each body paragraph should have support from the text you are discussing and/or the outside source along with CITATIONS IN MLA FORMAT. You also will need a WORKS CITED IN MLA FORMAT at the end of the paper.

6. If you need help, you can approach your peers or family members for a peer edit. We prefer, however, that you use the free in-person or online Writing Success Center (Links to an external site.).

7. Run spelling/grammar check and read through your paper several times for errors.