The realities of Medication Adherence Among People with Schizophrenia: A Literature Review

What am I required to do in this assignment?
You are required to critically appraise the research evidence (which includes both quantitative and qualitative methodologies), of mental health nursing knowledge in subject area of your interest, in addition to demonstrating an understanding of the relevant ethical issues raised within your chosen area of nursing practice.

You will need to:
• Identify and focus on a specific area of mental health nursing practice, that is associated with practice and/or patients
• Give a concise account of your literature search and findings in relation to that area of mental health nursing practice
• From your literature search Identify four pieces of primary research which include quantitative and qualitative approaches.
• Critically appraise the research evidence in relation to your chosen area of mental health nursing practice
• Critique the methodological approaches taken by researchers in respect of your area of nursing practice.
• Include a critical discussion of steps taken to address relevant ethical issues

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
• Analyse and evaluate the key research methods used to inform and aspect of healthcare practice.
• Critically evaluate the principal approaches taken to research ethics within the papers considered.
• Systematically and creatively evaluate the current state of the key evidence relating to your topic.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
• You will need to demonstrate critical and innovative thinking and the ability to challenge ideas and concepts. Your arguments must be logical, and your conclusions must be supported with appropriate evidence.

• You must present a critical analysis and synthesis of the research methodologies and methods used in your chosen research papers. These will need to include both quantitative and qualitative approaches.

• You must present a critical analysis and synthesis of the ethical principles in relation to research in your chosen area of nursing.

• You will need to read widely so that you can demonstrate the required understanding of complex concepts and ideas. You will need to access and appraise good quality literature and apply it effectively to support your discussion. Referencing must be accurate and follow referencing guidelines.

• Your work will need to be clearly and logically structured and presented using a good academic writing style. You will need to demonstrate clear verbal communication and appropriate professional written expression.