Case study about ‘Active Sports’ and its Customer ‘Sports-Strength’

This Team Assignment must be submitted in teams of up to 5 members. The final submission will be assessed on its merits irrespective of the number of members in a team.

The primary objectives of the assignment are to examine your ability to:
(a) analyse and provide recommendations to improve the operations of organisations through the application of managerial accounting techniques,
(b) apply techniques associated with costing systems, cost management systems, budgeting systems and performance measurement systems,
(c) appreciate the need for a balance between financial and non-financial information in decision making, control and performance evaluation applications of managerial accounting,
(d) learn within teams to cooperate with team members, to assume leadership and to manage differences and conflicts, and
(e) tolerate ambiguity in managerial and organisational problem-solving

Consequently, you should be able to analyse complex issues, to formulate well-reasoned and coherent arguments and to reach well-considered conclusions. Also, you should be able to present these conclusions via a written format appropriate for the real-life business environment, and be able to perform the necessary processes to prepare internal reports for decision-making purposes.