You have been asked by the CEO of NETFLIX (refer to the Netflix Case in files) to undertake a comprehensive strategic investigation to identify any strategic issues they may be facing and to suggest ways of dealing with them. The two key questions to address are:

1.Are there any issues that might affect the success and survival of Netflix?

2.If there are, what can be done about them?

For this report, the CEO would particularly like you to focus on how the firm / organization can develop and sustain competitive advantage as well as maintain legitimacy. Therefore, YOU WILL NEED TO APPLY AT LEAST ONE theoretical approach that is based on competitive advantage (Marketing-inspired Strategic Thinking / The Industrial Organization Approach / The Resource-based View / Agency Theory & Shareholder Value) AND ONE theoretical approach that is based on legitimacy (Stakeholders & Organizational Politics / Institutional Theory and Organizational Culture).

Once you have completed your strategic analysis and investigation, you should write a report to the CEO of the firm / organization in question, making your recommendations. The report should be dated at the current date and should consider the firm’s / organization’s state of affairs and options at this date.