Paper 2:

Mitigating Climate Change

In class we discussed the linear economy as a system which depends on infinite resources and creates infinite waste. The result of many human systems operating under a linear economy has sent Earth into global climate change.

Choose a topic from the list below and write a 1500-word paper investigating a human system which contributes to global climate change, and ways to reduce its impact on the earth. Begin by understanding the industry, and the ways which it contributes to climate change – what is the industry taking, making, and wasting that is causing climate change? Then discuss potential strategies for these industries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions – what are the possible ways for an industry to change to a circular economy?

The goal is to use course themes (scale, cost of waste, making waste go away, waste as an indicator of societal priority, waste as a resource) to analyze strategies for creating circular economies to mitigate global climate change. Choose from the following list:

1) Electricity and Heat

2) Transportation

3) Manufacturing and Construction

4) Industrial Processes

5) Agriculture

6) Land-Use Change and Forestry (deforestation)

7) Waste (landfills, wastewater treatment, human sewage)