Psychology of Wellbeing Assignment 3A: Presentation

In this assignment you will complete a presentation that outlines the application of positive psychology to a real life social issue which has significant effect on broader society. The broad aim is to demonstrate how positive psychology might be used to help address some of the problems related to a chosen social issue/s. In doing so, you will be expected to apply key positive psychology principles and draw upon relevant research and theory to evaluate how effective and applicable positive psychology may be as an intervention.

The presentation you produce for this assignment will be further developed in Assignment 3B: Major report.

There are a number of social issues that may be suitable to choose from, and you are welcome to pick your own. Examples may include (but are not limited too):

-Drug and alcohol abuse (e.g. ICE use).

-Rising obesity levels.

-Discrimination and stigmatisation.

-Internet addiction.

-Other addictions.

You are required to complete a presentation outlining your major report. The presentation you produce should be divided into four different sections that should provide an overview of the major report sections you will cover in more detail for Assignment 3B:

-Introduce the aims of the report and clearly establish the parameters (what will be discussed).

-Provide an overview of the chosen social issue.

-Provide an overview of the chosen positive psychology principle(s).

-Provide a description of a proposed positive psychology based intervention and/or program designed to help reduce the negative impact of the chosen social issue.

You should review the material in Assignment 3B: Major report to get a clear idea of the overview you are providing in this presentation. Remember, you should not go into the same level of detail for this assignment.

Your presentation will be assessed based on the following criteria:

-How well you have provided an overview of your chosen health issue, including rationale for choice.

-Your ability to discuss and evaluate relevant positive psychological principal(s) and/or concepts(s) and their rationale for choice.

-How well you have introduced and summarised your proposed intervention, including how it would be applied.

-How well you have identified relevant issues and limitations associated with proposed intervention.