Math 154 Cars Project

(10 pts) You are buying a car and wish to do a cost/benefit analysis on buying a more expensive Toyota Prius, which gets better mileage, or a cheaper Ford Focus.  Research the price of these two vehicles (2020 standard model) and put their price in B2 and C2.  Find the MPG Highway and City for both vehicles and put that in B4,B5 and C4,C5.  Cite the website(s) you used here                                          

a.) (20 pts)  Convert your mpg into gallons per 100 miles driven for both highway and city.

b.) (15 pts)   Cells have been created (B7 & B8) for the number of highway and city miles you drive each year. Compute how many gallons of gas each car will use for the year.

c.) (15 pts)   Add the current cost of regular gas (in our area/Fredericksburg) in B9, and with that price per gallon of gas, compute the total cost of gas for each car.

d.) (20 pts)   In the given cells compute how much more you spend on gas each year for Focus versus Prius, and compute how much more the Prius costs initially versus the Focus. (Round to 2 decimals)

e.) (15pts)  Finally determine how long it will take the gas savings per year to make up for the extra cost of the Prius. (Round to 1 decimal)

f.) (5 pts)  If the cost of gas goes up will it take more or less time to recoup the extra cost of the Prius?  Answer should be more or less.