ENT6A3 Strategic Entrepreneurship and Innovation

A1. Critically analyze and comment with regards to the typical characteristics of the entrepreneur.
B1.Use a wide variety of relevant and current sources to build a case and a balanced argument from new and abstract data

Although there is no one best way to assess information from published papers critically, it is however useful to take a systematic approach and use a framework to base your judgement and evaluations on. Below are four broad headings that you may wish to adopt to conduct your evaluation of a published paper.

Ascetics of the Paper
a. Readability of the paper – jargon of plain English
b. Who’s the audience – practitioners or academics?
c. Who’s the publisher?
d. Flow of arguments, ideas in the paper – are they logical?
e. Use of diagrams, charts and tables – graphically presentations?

Area of investigation of the paper
a. Aims and Objectives of paper – are they reasonable?
b. Theoretical underpinning
c. Depth and breadth of literature review in the paper
d. Citations used – are they from leading authors?
e. Mastery of the subject

Validity of the paper and research
a. Empirical evidence – data collection method
b. Adequacy of the methods used to collect data
c. Adequacy and relevance of data analysis
d. Contribution to knowledge
e. Timeliness of the research

Conclusions and Findings
a. Your personal thoughts on the paper
b. The paper’s ability to meet the journals objectives
c. Does the paper cover important areas of debate and current issues?
d. What could the authors have done better in or how could they have improved the paper?

Hint: there is no reason why the above headings should be responded to in equal length. You may find that the second and third headings have more relevance and importance than the other areas.