Project: Control design of a pH neutralization plant for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment.


1) Submit your report via the Turnitin link on Moodle on or before the due date.
2) The date you upload to Moodle is considered as the ‘Date of Submission’ when calculating the late submission.
3) Any late submission will result in the application of the late submission rule.

Learning outcomes
The tasks within this assignment satisfy the Learning Outcomes of the course:
1) Demonstrate advanced knowledge of core principles of control and instrumentation.
2) Critically analyse and evaluate transient response characteristics of first and second order systems.
3) Apply and demonstrate instrumentation and control strategies for a feedback control system.
4) Formulate, apply and present tuning methods for finding suitable PID controller parameters to meet an industry standard requirement for a defined control design problem

This project is worth 30% of your final grade and uses MATLAB/SIMULINK to design a controller for a pH neutralization plant. The time scale of the project will be announced by your tutor.