literature review on psychotherapy clinical tools

Tell the reader what you are going to do in the assignment. (Approximately 100 words)

1. Description and evaluation of a Clinical Assessment Tool – CORE Therapy Assessment Form – sample attached

(i) Short literature review – student should describe and evaluate the tool – CORE Therapy Assessment Form – drawing on research evidence to comment on validity, responsiveness and clinical utility. (Approx 500 words)
(ii) Drawing on the IACP Code of Ethics, students should identify ethical considerations that may arise in the use of this clinical assessment. (Approx 250 words)

2. Description and evaluation of a Client Outcome Tool – Core-OM – sample attached
(i) Describe and evaluate the tool – CORE-OM drawing on research evidence to comment on validity, responsiveness and clinical utility. (Approx 500 words)
(ii) Drawing on the IACP Code of Ethics, students should identify ethical considerations that may arise in the use of this Client Outcome Tool. (Approx 250 words)

3. Description and evaluation of a Client Feedback Tool – Session Rating Scale – sample attached

(i) Short literature review – Student should describe and evaluate the tool – Session Rating Scale – drawing on research evidence to comment on validity, responsiveness and clinical utility. (Approx 500 words)
(ii) Drawing on the IACP Code of Ethics, students should identify ethical considerations that may arise in the use of this Client Feedback Tool. (Approx 250 words)

4. Record Keeping (Approx. 300 words)

Learner clearly describes the importance of ethical and professional record keeping in line with the ethical governing body IACP.
In their appendices, students should demonstrate that notes are structured appropriately and showcase the professional skill of record keeping.

Conclusion (Approximately 100 words)
Summarise the key points from the assignment.