In-Depth Analysis Strategic Management Accounting practice Amazon


Remember that this is management accounting assignment, it needs to be focused on the accounting aspects of strategic management and not a discussion on the organisation’s overall strategy. You are not being asked to design strategy or make recommendations as to the future strategic direction of the organisation. Rather you are being asked to discuss the implications of global trends on how strategic management accounting practices would operate and/or are designed, and the information that would be gathered as part of their operation.

You should assume that the reader of your assignment has an in-depth knowledge of your chosen strategic management accounting practice and you should not devote much time or word count outlining what that practice is. You should go straight into a discussion of how the global trend will impact this practice and the information captured by it. Any descriptions of the practice itself should be in support of this and not constitute a general discussion on, for example, the inner workings of activity-based management – do not simply outline the steps and processes that are involved ABM. Instead show how these inner workings would be impacted by your chosen global trend within the unique context of your chosen organisation

Likewise, you should not spend much time describing the global trend itself. You should go straight into a discussion of how the global trend will impact your chosen strategic management accounting practice and the information captured by it. Any descriptions of the global trend should be in support of this and not constitute a general discussion on, for example, rising oil prices.

Your assignment should be written with specific reference and applicability to the unique context of your chosen organisation. Generic answers that could apply to any organisation or environment should not be included.

Do not include a table of contents, executive summary or any appendices. The assignment should be structured simply as follows: o Introduction to company – 500 words  Impact of global trends on SMA practices – 2,000 words in total for an in-depth assignment).

Your introduction to the company should be brief (500 words). However, it should not simply be a description of its history, structure and main product/service offerings. You should also make reference to current issues it is experiencing and its strategic direction, as is relevant to your subsequent discussion of the impact of global trends on internal SMA practice.