Econometrics report

You must use Eviews software to complete this assignment. You need to submit both the Eviews file and the written report. The report needs to be typed and presentable. The report must address each of the tasks below. Do not restate the questions in your report. Your report has to be understandable as a stand-alone piece of work without referring to the Eviews file. You can include the graphs/ tables/ estimation results from Eviews to address the questions, but do not details the process of how you create them. The process will be visible in the Eviews file. You should reflect on the outcomes of the research and tests conducted and not on the operational actions.

In the Eview files, you need to save all the variables created, all the graphs, estimation outputs and hypothesis test results, with their names clearly identify the questions they address.

Tables, graphs, figures, estimation outputs, etc. need to be clearly labelled.

If you do not submit the Eviews file, you will automatically lose 50% mark of all calculation tasks. Calculation tasks that are not visible in Eviews will also lose 50% mark automatically.

Download the Excel files. Each of you will have a different set of data. Sheet 1 contains the monthly inflation rates of eleven countries. Sheet 2 the monthly historical price of S&P500 and other indices. Sheet 3 contains daily stock prices of eleven US companies, SMB and HML risk factor and US risk free rate. Note: all the Fama-French data are in percentages. Sheet 4 contains USD/GBP spot and forward exchange rates. All data are obtained from Eikon Refinitiv and Kenneth French’s website, which can be access here:

Each of you will be assigned one company, one index and the number of lags for VAR in question 5.

1. Employ the Box-Jenkins approach, identify the ARMA form of the assigned inflation rates following the steps below:

a. Plot the correlogram of the time series.   (2 marks)

b. From the correlogram, propose three models AR, MA or ARMA that could potentially be suitable for this time series. Provide justification for the choices.   (10 marks)

c. Estimate all of the proposed and compare their Akaike Information Criteria to identify the most suitable model for the assigned inflation rate.   (15 marks)

2. a. Apply the Fama-French 3-factor model on the log return your assigned US company. The Fama-French 3-factor model has the following form:
b. models (10 marks)

Report your estimation results and comment on the significance levels of the estimated coefficients. Comment on the meaning and significance of all the factors.

c. Is Fama-French a good model for the particular stock? Explain your answer with evidence from your computation.  (5 marks)

3. Conduct the ARCH-LM test on the residuals of the estimation of model (1) in question 2. Report and comment on the result of the test.  (5 marks)

4.a. Estimate the Fama-French 3-factor model with GARCH(1,1) on the company stock return. Comment on the estimated result regarding the magnitude and significance of the model.   (10 marks)

b. Discuss if introducing GARCH(1,1) for this model is appropriate.   (5 marks)

5. Apply a bivariate VAR model to the monthly log return on S&P500 and the monthly log return on your given index.

a. Report the optimal lag-length table. What are the optimal lag lengths according to different criteria?  (3 marks)

Index: NIKKEI225

Company: Amazon

Var lag: 4

Inflation rate: Japan